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Grain Handling Equipment Financing


Does Your Business Need Financing For Grain Handling Equipment?

Grain handling equipment financing most typically required by farming and agriculturally based businesses is provided by a number of lenders and leasing companies that collectively cover off a wide variety of this class of asset including the following items:

Incline chain conveyor, bin sweep, round bottom conveyor, grain pump, bucket elevator leg, grain vacuum system, straight chain conveyor, screw conveyor, swing hopper, grain auger, drag chain conveyor, grain vac, belt conveyor, chain conveyor, grain hopper.

This is not meant to be an all inclusive list so if you have a type of grain handling equipment that requires financing and that is not on the list, please give us a call so we can quickly determine if there is a lending or leasing source available for the asset in question.

Used grain handling equipment can also be financed through our approved lending and leasing sources. For used equipment, the financing rates and terms can vary based on equipment age, condition, and type. That being said, in many cases, you can still secure very comparable to new rates and terms for a lot of used equipment items.

Part of the reason for the good supply of used agricultural equipment financing is due to the strong resale market for grain handling equipment. Lenders and leasing companies are more inclined to finance used assets, and finance them more aggressively if they have a high level of confidence in their own ability to liquidate the asset for a reasonably predictable costs in a reasonable predictable period of time if required.

Get Grain Handling Equipment Financing That Meets Your  Needs

For new or used grain handling equipment, if you have not started the equipment purchasing or origination process, we recommend that you give us a call so we can get you pre-qualified for financing ahead of time and get the equipment financing process out of the way so you can focus on the equipment acquisition while knowing what amount of financing you can secure and the related equipment financing rates and terms.

If you already have an accepted offer or bid, we can quickly process your application for what you have lined up and help you get the deal closed in the time allowed.

Even in cases where you may have acquired grain handling assets for cash, we can still refinance the purchase up to 6 months after the purchase and return all or most of your original cash outlay to you so that you can inject it back into the business cash flow and utilize it for other purposes.

Click Here To Speak With an Equipment Financing Specialist For All Your
Grain Handling Equipment Financing Needs.