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Welding Equipment Financing


Do You Need Financing For Welding Equipment?

Welding equipment financing and leasing is available through Canadian based lending and leasing companies for a wide range of business applications all across Canada.

Some of the more common types of welding equipment to be financed on a regular basis include:

Welders, mig welder, gmaw, tig welder, gtaw, stick welder, smaw,  engine driven welder, wire feeder, multi purpose welder, multi operator welder, submerged arch, spot welder, fume extraction hood, plasma cutter, induction heating equipment, welding work station, welding positioner, automated gear tilt positioner, pipe turning positioner, benchtop positioner, manual welding positioner, hard surface positioner, welding turntable, industrial positioner, turning roll, manipulator, beam clamp rigging roller, cable reel roller, welding pipe stand, pipeline equipment, low profile welding turntable, high speed welding turntable, vessel turning roll, tank turning roller, pipe roller, beam clamp rigging roller, powered rigging roller, multi directional rigging roller, gas welder, arc welder, Parweld Mig & Tig, Thermacut Plasma, welding machine, arc welding equipment.

This is not meant to be a complete list by any stretch and if you have a piece of welding equipment that you’re interested in procuring but don’t see on the list above, please give us a call and we’ll be able to tell you right away if it’s an item that can be financed or not.

Get Equipment Financing That Meets Your Business Needs.

If you know you’re going to need financing for welding equipment in your manufacturing process or in other applications, we always recommend that you call us first before you even bid or make an offer on equipment for a number of reasons.

First, if you can outline what type of welding equipment and price range you’re looking for, we can get you preapproved for financing up to a certain amount of funding.  That way, you will know exactly how much money you have to work with and be more efficient with the buying process.

Second, the structure of a transaction can impact your financing options.  For instance, if you want to purchase from a U.S. based vendor, there are only a small percentage of equipment financing companies that will pay a U.S. vendor directly before equipment is released which can severely limit your options.  There are ways to manage this type of transaction, but they need to be set up before hand.

Third, if you want to purchase welding equipment with your own cash and then be reimbursed through an equipment financing transaction after the fact, there are certain things you should be aware of to make sure the cash purchase will be eligible for financing.

Click Here To Speak Directly With An Equipment Financing Specialist For All Your
Welding Equipment FinancingNeeds.